What sizes does the Rowland Earthing Sheet come in?

The Rowland Earthing sheet is one size fits all (90cm x 280cm) and is suitable for single, double, king and super king size beds.

We generally recommend fitting the sheet length-ways and having one sheet per person for maximum comfort and increased grounding exposure. However, for double and king beds, another option is to fit the sheet width-ways on the bottom half of the bed, allowing two people to make contact with the sheet.

You can also fit your Earthing sheet underneath your current bed sheet and this will work fine as long as the covering bed sheet is made from natural materials such as cotton or bamboo. 

Is the Rowland Earthing Sheet suitable for king and super king sized beds?

The Rowland Earthing sheet is 90cm x 280cm and is suitable for single, double, king and super king size beds. 

We generally recommend fitting the sheet length-ways and having one sheet per person for maximum comfort and increased grounding exposure. However, for double and king beds, some people prefer to have one sheet fitted across the foot of the bed, so that just your feet and lower legs are making contact. Both options work fine and it is more a case of personal preference.

If ordering two or more Earthing sheets, don’t forget to use the discount code EARTHINGX2 at checkout to get 20% off your order.

How to use the Rowland Earthing Sheet?

To ground your Earthing Sheet, attach the cord to the connection point on the sheet and insert the Earth plug into the socket. The socket is only used to ground the sheet and it does not use electricity. The Rowland Earthing Sheet simply acts as an extension cord, bringing the Earth's energy inside and allowing you to stay grounded while you sleep.

Does the Rowland Earthing Sheet use electricity?

No. The Rowland Earthing sheet does not run on electricity, nor does it even come into contact with electricity. The sheet is only connected to the Earth point of the socket, which is the top hole of a standard UK plug socket. The other two prongs are plastic and are therefore non-conductive. The socket can therefore be switched off at all times and the sheet will perform the same.

What is the difference between the Organic and Original Earthing Sheet?

Our Organic Earthing sheet is made from 100% organic cotton, which makes it higher quality than our original version. Organically grown materials are also better for the environment for a number of reasons, which you are welcome to read about on our website. However, both versions perform exactly the same in terms of achieving the grounding effect and both therefore provide the same benefits.

How does the Rowland Earthing sheet work?

The Earthing sheet comes with a cord which allows you to connect the sheet to the Earth connection of a standard plug socket (this is the Earth strip at the top and bottom of the outlet), and it is this that is used to Earth the sheet. The sheet itself is lined with a pure silver thread which makes the material highly conductive and this allows one to be physically Earthed when in contact with the sheet. 

It is important to point out that the sheet does not run on electricity, nor does it even come into contact with electricity. The plug is designed only to connect to the earth point of the socket and is not connected to the live electrical ports.  

Does plugging the Earthing Sheet into a socket expose you to dirty electricity?

A common misconception about Earthing technology is that when you ground yourself indoors by connecting to a mains plug socket, “dirty electricity” comes through the cord to the Earthing sheet, and through your body. However, this would be impossible as there can be no current on Earthing products connected to a plug socket because they are connected to one Earth point only, and not part of a closed circuit necessary for a current to flow. No “dirty electricity” can flow through the Earthing sheet, and then through the body because you are not part of a closed DC circuit. For a more detailed explanation, here is a useful resource from the Official Earthing Institute: http://www.earthinginstitute.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/beware-of-earthing-misinformation-2018.pdf

Do I need to make bare skin contact with the sheet?

You will still be grounded through clothes/pyjamas if these are made from natural materials such as cotton. The effectiveness of this has been verified with a multimeter device which demonstrates a strong Earth connection is still achieved when the Earthing sheet is fitted underneath a cotton bed sheet, even with an additional layer of clothes/pyjamas before reaching the skin level. In addition to this, as you lie on the sheet, the warmth generated by the body tends to create a small amount of moisture and humidity which hydrates the materials and further strengthens the Earth connection.

How long does the sheet last? 

As long as the washing and care instructions are followed correctly, the sheet should have no problem lasting up to three years or more. Sweat and natural skin oils can sometimes tarnish the silver over time, reducing the conductivity. However, much of this can be prevented by fitting the Earthing sheet underneath your current bed sheet or by washing regularly, just as you would a normal cotton sheet. Washing strips body sweat and natural skin oils from the silver and keeps it conductive.

Is there any possibility that I will be electrocuted?

No, it is important to recognise that the Earthing sheet does not run on electricity, nor does it even come into contact with electricity. The plug is designed only to connect to the earth point of the socket and is not connected to the live electrical ports. It simply acts as an extension cord, bringing the Earth's energy inside and allowing you to stay grounded while you sleep. The cord also contains a 100k ohm resistor to protect against any Earth faults.

Can I use the Rowland Earthing Sheet underneath my current bed sheet?

Yes, we recommend fitting the Earthing Sheet underneath your current bed sheet providing that any covering bed sheet is made from natural materials such as cotton or bamboo.

The effectiveness of this can be verified with a multimeter device which demonstrates a strong Earth connection is still achieved when the Earthing sheet is fitted underneath a cotton bed sheet, even with an additional layer of clothes/pyjamas before reaching the skin level. In addition, as you lie on the covering sheet, perspiration and environmental humidity will hydrate your sheet which further strengthens the Earth connection.

When using the Earthing sheet underneath a partially synthetic covering sheet, such as cotton with polyester, in general, the Earth connection is only slightly reduced and still provides sufficient Earthing for the body. However, if you wish to test this yourself to ensure the Earth connection is not being blocked, we are happy to recommend a brand of conductivity tester.

Can I use my electric blanket with the Rowland Earthing Sheet?

Yes, an electric blanket works fine with the Rowland Earthing sheet, just make sure the Earthing Sheet goes on top of your electric blanket in order to achieve the full grounding effect.

Can I use the Earthing Sheet either way up?

Yes. Both sides of the Earthing sheet are equally conductive and you can therefore have the sheet either way up.

Why are there 2 holes on the adapter?

The second hole on the adaptor is for grounding multiple sheets from the same plug. You can therefore use either hole to ground the sheet.

How do I know if my sheet is working?

As long as your Earthing sheet is connected to a correctly wired plug socket, the sheet will be grounded and you will be receiving the benefits of Earthing. You can also check this with a conductivity tester to confirm that your body is Earthed when in contact with the sheet.

Many people feel an immediate benefit when they start sleeping grounded, and even physical symptoms such as inflammation and pain can show improvement within minutes. However, in general, we would say that the more time you can spend grounded the better and that longer term exposure to Earthing is required in order to achieve the deepest improvement in sleep, inflammation and overall health.

Is the Earthing Sheet safe to use in high EMF environments?

There is some amount of confusion surrounding the topic of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and Earthing. Some people are afraid that their Earthing sheet will attract EMF frequencies like an Antenna. However, this would be impossible because in order for an antenna to work, it cannot be grounded. Whenever you are grounded, your skin effectively produces a ‘faraday cage’ effect and will repel electromagnetic fields (EMFs) coming from the external environment. This effect can be demonstrated with a quick multimeter test measuring body voltage before and after touching the Earthed surface.

It is also not possible for EMFs to be ‘pulled’ or ‘attracted’ as EMFs do not have electric charges. They cannot be attracted to anything. They simply radiate outward to infinity from an emitting source, such as electric wires, appliances, and phone masts. For a more detailed explanation, here is a useful resource from the Official Earthing Institute: http://www.earthinginstitute.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/beware-of-earthing-misinformation-2018.pdf

Can I use an extension lead?

Yes. As long as the socket and the extension both have an Earth connection, then you can ground the sheet via an extension lead.

Is there a limit for how much I can use it?

Throughout most of history we walked barefoot and slept on the ground. We were directly connected to the Earth almost 24/7. That’s what our bodies are used to. The combination of isolative shoes and elevated beds has separated us from the natural electric frequencies of the Earth.

We believe this separation has contributed to the great increase in chronic diseases and inflammation that we see today. The body knows exactly what to do with what the Earth provides for us. When we connect to the Earth, the amount of electrons we absorb is driven by the amount our body needs to balance the electrical charge of our body. It is always the perfect amount.

I have a pacemaker, is it safe for me to use the Rowland Earthing Sheet?

Yes, the Earthing Sheet is safe for people with pacemakers.

I have started sleeping better using the Rowland Earthing Sheet and I feel warmer, what's happening?

Studies on Earthing have shown that spending time connected to the Earth has a natural blood thinning effect by reducing the viscosity (thickness) of the blood and decoupling red blood cells, therefore improving circulation. This is because there is an extra negative charge to the surface of your red blood cells, which in turn stops them from clumping together and becoming sticky or viscous. One by-product of this is the sensation of feeling warmer, especially in your hands and feet, but also throughout your body.

Do I need to check my plug socket to ensure it has an Earth connection?

A standard European socket has an Earth strip at the top and bottom of the outlet. This is almost universally present. However, in rare cases, sockets can sometimes lack a proper Earth connection. This will mean that your Earthing sheet is not grounded and you won't be getting all the benefits. If you wish to check the socket in your home to verify it is correctly wired and is providing an earth connection, you can do so with a socket tester. These can be purchased relatively cheaply online and our support team will be happy to recommend a suitable brand.

How do I wash the Rowland Earthing sheet?

The Earthing Sheet is machine washable and comes with washing and care instructions. Sweat and natural skin oils can sometimes oxidise the silver over time, reducing the conductivity. However, much of this can be prevented by fitting the Earthing Sheet underneath your current bed sheet or by washing regularly, just as you would a normal cotton sheet. Washing strips body sweat and natural skin oils from the silver and keeps it conductive.

With regard to washing detergents, we personally recommend brands such as Bio-D Laundry Liquid (unperfumed version is best) and Dri-Pak Liquid Soap, although there are many other suitable washing detergents out there. Detergents that contain any of the following should be avoided as these can shorten the life span of the Earthing Sheet:

Bleaching/whitening agents:

Chlorine based (Sodium hypochlorite, Calcium hypochlorite, etc.)


Peroxide/Oxygen based (Hydrogen peroxide, Sodium percarbonate, Sodium perborate, etc.)  

Is it safe for pets? 

Yes. Animals naturally want to spend time in contact with the Earth. Many indoor pets share our lifestyle and never make contact with the ground outside. People report that pets indoors are attracted to Earthing products.

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